Up to 125x leverageBCTEX Global is one of the most secure cryptocurrency exchanges out there. Security is its main selling point. The platform is easy to use. If your crypto trading is mostly in popular currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, or Zcash, you'll probably enjoy using BCTEX Global..

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About BCTEX BCTEX Global partnered with Singapore-based crypto asset security platform, Onchain Custodian, which maintains custody of BCTEX Global ’s crypto assets. In addition, those assets are backed by Lockton, a private insurance brokerage.It supports a variety of crypto assets.

minimum deposit 1USD fees can be reduced due to the point system..BCTEX is a full-service platform that stands out from the rest due to its fee model. The exchange charges a 0.1% spot fee (0.1% of the transaction value for market makers and takers with discounts available to high-volume traders). The contract trading fee is based on a Maker-Taker model, where BCTEX charges 0.06% for Market Takers and 0.01% for Market Makers. The platform does not charge any fees for crypto deposits to trading accounts. For more details, refer to the Fee Structure..

👎 Disadvantages of BCTEX:.

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